Section: Dissemination


During this year, team researchers and students animated several scientific events. The different scientific animations are listed below:

  • MICCAI 2012: some of the team students helped for the organization of the MICCAI conference that occurred in October in Nice,

  • Futur en Seine: a scientific exhibition took place in Paris (in the 104 building) the 16th and 17th June 2012 and was a public event. Researchers and students presented demonstration videos done using SOFA during the whole week-end.

  • Recontre Inria-Industrie: this was a public event taking place in Strasbourg the 21st of November 2012. Researchers and students presented demonstration videos done using SOFA during the whole week-end.

  • Hugo Talbot did a visit in the "Humanoids and Intelligence Systems" laboratory at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology and presented his Ph.D. work at this occasion.

  • Unithe ou Cafe: this is a vulgarization event at Inria presenting the research work done by Inria teams and is dedicated to all employees. Hugo Talbot presented his Ph.D. work during a session called "La cardiologie au coeur du numerique".

  • Sofa Training Days Grenoble 2012: this is a 5 days-learning session held in october, with more than 20 attendees (researchers, ingeneers...). Various topics were presented by several members of the team.

  • Some high school students have spent a week in the team and have been interested on topics related to Medical Simulation and in a large view to scientific researches.